Tere liye Lyrics

Singer :

Suresh Wadkar

from the Movie 7 Khoon Maaf - 2011, sung by Suresh Wadkar. The song is composed by Vishal Bhardwaj and the lyrics are penned by Gulzar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Tere liye…,tere liye
Tere liye…, tere liye

Lafzon mein
Lamhon ki, doliyan laaye hain
Lafzon mein, Lamhon ki
Doliyan laaye hain, laaye hain

Sheron mein khushboo ki
Boliyan laaye hain laaye hain
Humne sau saude kiye
Tere liye…, tere liye

Aankhon mein na chubhe
Taaron ki, kirchiyaan…
Sheeshe ka aasman, laaye hain
Tere liye

Tere liye, taare jade
Heeron se bhi, kitne badey
Humne aasmanon mein
Lakhon ke saude kiye…

Tere liye…, tere liye
Tere liye…, tere liye

Halki si sardiyan, aur saans garam ho
Shaamon ki shawl bhi
Thodi si, narm ho…

Tere liye, kishmish chune
Piste chune, tere liye
Humne toh parindo se
Baagon ke saude kiye…

Tere liye…, tere liye
Tere liye…, tere liye
Tere liye…, tere liye

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