
Missing Sunday Lyrics

Missing Sunday Lyrics

Singer :


from the Movie Sunday - 2008, sung by Earl, Mahua Kamat, Suraj Jagan. The song is composed by Sandeep Chowta and the lyrics are penned by Farhad, Sajid. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Dil mein pal pal hai ek hulchul
Hoga kya kal, what’s gonna happen
Bechaniya betaabiyan beqrari 24×7 – Repeat 1 time

(Dhoondhenge one day, one day
The missing Sunday, Sunday) – Repeat 1 time

Missing Sunday girl, c’mon
Sunday, c’mon, that’s one that’s, one day
Girl, we gonna find you gal now c’mon
Hey hey hey hey

Missing Sunday, not any other day
It could take away be a part of the same day
People, ** **
A missing Sunday
Got sick in the way
To get another day that can never be the same
So tic toc tic toc tic toc tic
Do the tango..
Tic toc tic toc tic toc tic

Oh hu oh hu oh hu, jaane hua kya, Sunday
Oh hu oh hu oh hu

Oh hu oh hu oh hu, jaane hua kya, Sunday
Oh hu oh hu oh hu

(Missing Sunday, missing)

Oh hu oh hu oh hu, jaane hua kya, Sunday
Oh hu oh hu oh hu

Dil mein pal pal hai ek hulchul
Hoga kya kal what’s gonna happen
Bechaniya betaabiyan beqrari 24×7 – Repeat 1 time

(Dhoondhenge one day, one day
The missing Sunday, Sunday) – Repeat 2 time

Missing Sunday, not any other day
It could take away be a part of the same day
People, ** **
A missing Sunday
Got sick in the way
To get another day that can never be the same
So tic toc, tic toc, tic toc tic
Do the tango
Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc tic
Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc tic
Tic toc, tic toc, tic toc tic

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