Jingle Bodmas Lyrics

Singer :

Shabana Azmi

from the Movie Chalk n Duster - 2016, sung by Shabana Azmi. The song is composed by Sandesh Shandilya and the lyrics are penned by Neetu, Rajeev. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

The fear of algebra is none,
When you learn it, its full of fun
The fear of algebra is none,
When you learn it, its full of fun

Once you note the values of x and y
I promise you’ll score very high

So children,
Today we will solve this equation with the rule of,

B O D M A S, bodmas

Solve the bracket first, Bodmas
Order comes after that, Bodmas
Divide and multiply, Bodmas
Then you add then substract, Bodmas

So children now you all tell me, what is the answer ?
46.. correct..

Bodmas bodmas, bodmas..
Bodmas bodmas, bodmas..

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