Caralisa Monteiro

Ranga Re Lyrics (English Version)

Ranga Re Lyrics (English Version)

Singer :

Caralisa Monteiro

from the Movie Fitoor - 2016, sung by Amit Trivedi, Caralisa Monteiro. The song is composed by Amit Trivedi and the lyrics are penned by Swanand Kirkire. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

On the floor getting down tonight
To tell you how i feel
So much love i cannot fight, back no more

I feel you, burning inside of me
Leaving me in this misery
Give me a sign of your love

You make me feel so alive
Every time we touch,
I wanna know how you feel right now

I need you, hold me for the *
Sweetest kiss ever knew
Give me a sign that you’re mine

Tujhe naseebon se main chura loon
Tujhe apni saanson mein main jagah doon
Teri rag rag mein aaj beh ke
Main mere fun ko jhila doon, main jhila doon

Hoke teri zulfon se utre raat, rok loon ye lamha
Ke tere honthon se chhu ke aaj, chhu loon aag

Ranga re.. o haan main ranga re..
Tere rang main ranga re..
Tere jism mein main ghul gaya

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