Choti Choti Gal Lyrics

Singer :

Yasser Desai

from the Movie Motichoor Chaknachoor 2019, sung by Yasser Desai. The song is composed by Arjuna Harjai and the lyrics are penned by Kumaar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Choti Choti Gal Lyrics from Movie Motichoor Chaknachoor 2019 sung by Yasser Desai. Learn, Choti Choti Gal Lyrics meaning in English/Hindi

Song – Choti Choti Gal
Composer – Arjuna Harjai
Singer – Arjuna Harjai Ft Yasser Desai
Lyricist – Kumaar

Choti Choti Gal Song Lyrics

Minntan karaan main taan teriyan ve
Kare ya kare hera pheriyan ve

Minntan karaan main taan teriyan ve
Kare ya kare hera pheriyan ve
Tere hi yakeen te
Main taan laga jeen de
Dil na dukhaya kar

Chhoti chhoti gal da
Bura na manaaya kar
Je main manaava mann vi jaaya kar

Chhoti chhoti gal da
Bura na manaaya kar
Je main manaava mann vi jaaya kar

Minntan karaan main taan teriyan ve
Kare ya kare hera pheriyan ve
Tere hi yakeen te
Main taan laga jeen de
Dil na dukhaya kar

Chhoti chhoti gal da
Bura na manaaya kar
Je main manaava mann vi jaaya kar

Chhoti chhoti gal da
Bura na manaaya kar
Je main manaava mann vi jaaya kar

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Choti Choti Gal Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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