Haimnastu Lyrics

Singer :

Zebunissa Bangash

from the Movie Fitoor - 2016, sung by Zebunissa Bangash. The song is composed by Amit Trivedi and the lyrics are penned by Swanand Kirkire. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Gar firdaus, bar-eu-e-zameenast
Hamin-asto, hamin-asto
Meri jaan rooh dil se wa-basht
Haminastu, haminastu

Ho.. khamosh darkhton ke saaye,
Yeh khauff hai soya saa
O.. kuch khoya khoya humne abhi,
Yeh chehra hai roya saa

Murjhaate gulon ne jhuk ke kaha,
Hamein aadat hai haminasto
Chalte lamho ne ruk ke kaha,
Inaayat hai haminasto

Yeh veeraane, yeh sannate
Kya bol rahe hain, aate jaate
Aate jaate, ho..

Panchhi saare udd gaye kahin,
Bas ghonsley hain, haminasto
Gar jannat hai zameen pe kahin
Yahin pe hai haminasto, haminasto

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