Mohammad Aslam

Masti Ki Paathshala Lyrics

Masti Ki Paathshala Lyrics

Singer :

Mohammad Aslam

from the Movie Rang De Basanti - 2006, sung by Mohammad Aslam, Naresh Iyer. The song is composed by A. R. Rahman and the lyrics are penned by Prasoon Joshi. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Loose control, loose control
One more time, loose loose loose control
Loose control, hayo rabba, hayo rabba

Na koi padhne wala, na koi seekhne wala
Na koi padhne wala, na koi seekhne wala
Apni toh paathshala, masti ki paathshala
Apni toh paathshala, masti ki paathshala

Loose control

(Instrumental Break)

Chehre ki kitaabein hai, hum woh padhne aate hai
Yeh surat teri meri, mobile library
Yaaron ki equation hai, love multiplication hai
Jisne dil ko jeeta hai, woh alpha hai theeta hai
Woh alpha hai theeta hai, woh alpha hai theeta hai

Loose control, loose control
One more time, loose loose loose control
Loose control, hayo rabba

Talli hokar girne se samjhi humne gravity
Ishq ka practical kayak, tab aayi clarity
Na koi padhne wala, na koi seekhne wala

Naata ye sannata hai, dekho lambu shor hai
Har dil mein bud bud karta, H2SO4 hai
Na koi padhne wala, na koi seekhne wala

Apni toh paathshala, masti ki paathshala
Apni toh paathshala, masti ki paathshala

Apni toh paathshala, masti ki paathshala
Apni toh paathshala, masti ki paathshala

Hayo rabba, loose control

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