Ik Onkar Lyrics

Singer :

Harshdeep Kaur

from the Movie Rang De Basanti - 2006, sung by Harshdeep Kaur. The song is composed by A. R. Rahman and the lyrics are penned by Prasoon Joshi. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Hardship Kaur Begins)

Ik onkar sat naam, karta purakh
Nirbh o nivair, akaal moorat
Ajonee saibham gur parsaad

Jap, aad sach jugaad sach
Hai bhi sach nanak hosee bhi sach

Sochai soch naa hovai, jay sochee lakh vaar
Chupai chup naa hovai, jay laayi raha liv taar

Bhukhi aa bhukh naa utree, jay bannaa puree aa bhaar
Sehas si aanpaa lakh hoh taa ik naa chalai naal

Kiv sachchi aaraa hoyia.. kiv koorhai tutai paal
Hukam rajaayi chalnaa, nanak likhi aa naal

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