Shahrukh Khan

Aa Raha Hoon Palat Ke Lyrics

Aa Raha Hoon Palat Ke Lyrics

Singer :

Shahrukh Khan

from the Movie Don 2 - 2011, sung by Shahrukh Khan. The song is composed by Ehsaan Noorani, Loy Mendonsa, Shankar Mahadevan and the lyrics are penned by Javed Akhtar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Mere dushman samajh rahe they
Main ab kabhi laut ke na aaunga
Ek gumnaami ka samundar hai
Uss mein hi jaa ke doob jaunga

Abhi baaki meri kahani hai
Saari duniya ko jo sunaani hai

Mujhe phechano
Dekho main hun kaun
Aa raha hoon palat ke
Main hoon don

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