Saam Daam Lyrics

Singer :

Kailash Kher

from the Movie Sarkar Raj - 2008, sung by Kailash Kher. The song is composed by Bapi, Tutul and the lyrics are penned by Sandeep Nath. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed
Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed)

(Kailash Kher Begins)

Mann mein aghan se bhare,
bolo kahan jaaye

Yeh trishna se bhare,
bolo kahan jaaye
Sarkar ke dwaar pe,
Jaa ke theher jaaye

(Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed
Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed)

Sarkar ek vichaar jo maanega,
Jaanega ho..

Govinda Govinda
Govinda Govinda

(Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed
Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed)

Anyaaye ke saath mein
kaise jiye jaaye
Sarkar ke dwaar pe,
Jaake thehar jaaye

Anyaaye ke saath mein
kaise jiye jaaye
Sarkar ke dwaar pe,
Jaake thehar jaaye

Sarkar besahara ko,
Bhoole na bhoole na

(Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed
Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed)

Govinda Govinda
Govinda Govinda

(Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed
Saam daam dand bhed
saam daam dand bhed)

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Saam Daam Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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