AR Rahman

Jaage Hain Lyrics

Jaage Hain Lyrics

Singer :

AR Rahman

from the Movie Guru - 2007, sung by AR Rahman, Chitra. The song is composed by A. R. Rahman and the lyrics are penned by Gulzar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Jaage Hain Lyrics


(Chitra Begins)

Jaage hain der tak
Hamein kuch der sone do
Thodi si raat aur hai
Subah toh hone do

Aadhe adhoore, khawab jo
Poore na ho sake
Ek baar phir se, neend mein
Woh khawab bone do

(Instrumental Break)

(A R Rahman Begins)

Jaage hain der tak
Hamein kuch der sone do
Thodi si raat aur hai
Subah toh hone do

Aadhe adhoore, khawab jo
Poore na ho sake
Ek baar phir se, neend mein
Woh khawab bone do

(Instrumental Break)

Jaage hain der tak
Hamein kuch der sone do
Thodi si raat aur hai
Subah toh hone do

Aadhe adhoore, khawab jo
Poore na ho sake
Ek baar phir se, neend mein
Woh khawab bone do

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Jaage Hain Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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