Ranadeep Bhasker

Udd Jayega Hans Akela Lyrics

Udd Jayega Hans Akela Lyrics

Singer :

Ranadeep Bhasker

from the Movie Hawaizaada - 2015, sung by Ranadeep Bhasker, Sukhwinder Singh. The song is composed by Mangesh Dhakde and the lyrics are penned by Vibhu Virender Puri. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Sukhwinder Singh Begins)

Saiyaan ke angul se, haaye
Pinjre ke changul se

Saiyaan ke angul se, pinjre ke changul se
Pankh baand ke, hawa khaank ke
Gagan baant ke, haisha
Pankh baand ke, hawa khaank ke
Gagan baant ke, haisha

Attran nazang ke, bijri phaand ke
Paar chand ke, haisha
Udd jayega hans akela
Udd jayega hans akela
Udd jayega hans akela
Udd jayega hans akela

(Vocal Break)

(Ranadeep Bhasker Begins)

(Shlok from Bhagwad Gita)

Karmanye vadhikaraste, ma phaleshu kadachana,
Ma karma phala hetur, bhurmatey sangostva akarmani

(You have a right to perform a prescribed action,
But you are not entitled to the fruits of your action.)

Tasmat sarveshu kaleshu, mam anusmara yudhya cha
Mayy arpita mano buddhir, mam evaishyasy asamsayah

(Therefore Arjun you should always think of me,
In the form of Krishna and at the same time,
Carry out your prescribed duty of fighting.
With your keen dedication towards me,
You will attain me without any doubt.)

Hasiya parchhi katar tu,
Kar paine sab hathiyaar tu
Hasiya parchhi katar tu,
Kar paine sab hathiyaar tu

Mashakkat se chilenge, sapne hum bhi jee lenge
Mashakkat se chilenge, sapne hum bhi jee lenge
Sau sunaaro ka ek lauhaar tu,
Sau sunaaro ka ek lauhaar tu

Udd jayega hans akela
Udd jayega hans akela
Udd jayega hans akela
Udd jayega hans akela

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