Tu Lyircs

Singer :

Kumar Sanu

from the Movie Dum Laga Ke Haisha - 2015, sung by Kumar Sanu. The song is composed by Anu Malik and the lyrics are penned by Varun Grover. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Kumar Sanu Begins)

Tu.. tu..
Mere saare imtihaano ka jawab tu
Meri saari daastano ka hisaab tu

Mere saare imtihaano ka jawab tu
Meri saari daastano ka hisaab tu
Aye hey, saari hadon ko todd ke
Jab aati hai teri yaad
Neend ke katre kaat kaat ke jaagu saari raat

Tu.. tu..
Mere saare imtihaano ka jawab tu
Meri saari daastano ka hisaab tu

Hey hey hey.., ha ha ha hm hm hm..

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