AR Rahman

Tu Koi Aur Hai Lyrics

Tu Koi Aur Hai Lyrics

Singer :

AR Rahman

from the Movie Tamasha - 2015, sung by AR Rahman. The song is composed by A. R. Rahman and the lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Tu koi aur hai, jaanta hai tu
Saamne iss jahaan ke, ik naqaab hai
Tu aur hai, koi aur hai
Kyun hai wo, jo hai

Tu jahan ke waaste khud ko bhool kar
Apne hi saath naa aise zulm kar
Khol de wo girah, jo lagaaye tujhpe tu
Bol de tu koi aur hai
Chehre jo odhe tune woh, tere kahaan hain?

Saamne aa khol de sab, jo hai dil mein bol de ab
Saamne aa khol de sab, jo hai dil mein bol de ab

Tedhe raaste, khwaab hai tere
Tere saath jo umr bhar chale
O inhe gala lagaa
Tu kaun hai bata, o.. khol de ye girah

Tu koi aur hai, teri na hadd’ein
Aasmaan hai, khayal hai, bemisaal hai
Tu mauj hai, tu raunaqein, chaahe jo tu wo hai

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Tu Koi Aur Hai Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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