Lucky Ali

Safarnama Lyrics

Safarnama Lyrics

Singer :

Lucky Ali

from the Movie Tamasha - 2015, sung by Lucky Ali. The song is composed by A. R. Rahman and the lyrics are penned by Irshad Kamil. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

O.. safarnama.., sawaalon ka safarnama
Shuru tumse, khatam tumpe safarnama

O.. jisey dhoonda, zamane mein.. mujh hi mein tha
O.. mere saare, jawaabon ka.. safarnama
Meri ore se uttha, teri ore ko kadam pehla
Milenge hum..

O.. safarnama.., khyaalon ka safarnama
Andhere mein, ujaalon ka safarnama

O.. savere saa, purana bhi, naya bhi hai
O.. mohabbat ki misaalon ka safarnama
Meri ore se utha teri ore ko kadam pehla
Milenge hum.. pehla.. milenge hum..

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Safarnama Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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