Shalmali Kholgade

Solah Baras Ki Lyrics

Solah Baras Ki Lyrics

Singer :

Shalmali Kholgade

from the Movie Sixteen - 2013, sung by Shalmali Kholgade, Shivranjani Singh. The song is composed by Adam Avil, Eddie Avil, Gaurav Dagaonkar, Prashant Pillai and the lyrics are penned by Anurag Bhomia, Shivranjani Singh. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Solah baras ki…
Solah baras ki…
Solah baras ki bali umar ko salaam…

Samay se pehle
Kya ye jo mile
Bhole bhale man hue mele
Life tujhe jo
Dena chahe
Pehle aise hi tu
Jeene ki lele
Kaam kaaz jo na ho karne
Ab tu har bhoj ka

Solah baras ki bali umar ko salaam…
O…solah baras ki bali umar ko salaam…

Chaska hai yeh jaise charas ka
Life mein height ki badhti taraska
Umar kali solah
Phir bhi ye shola
Maan lo kaise sala
Hai sau baras ka
Naam rak ke dhaam pe banale apna naam

Solah baras ki
Solah baras ki bali umar ko salaam…

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Solah Baras Ki Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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