Anahita Irani

Koi Jaagi Aankhein Lyrics

Koi Jaagi Aankhein Lyrics

Singer :

Anahita Irani

from the Movie Aatma - 2013, sung by Anahita Irani. The song is composed by Sangeet Haldipur, Siddharth Haldipur and the lyrics are penned by Kumaar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Koi jaagi aankhein leke jaaye re
Needon waali aankhein deke jaaye re
Raato key saaye hain
Saaye sey na darr aa..

Aaja nindiya raina beeti jaaye re
Aa..aa..aa.. (Repeats)

Sapne kitne renge palkon pe kaahe
Aati hai neend mein aati hi nahin
Neend mein aati hi nahin
Lehraati hai koi parchhai aankhon par

Aaja nindiya raina beeti jaaye…
Aa.. aa.. (Repeats)
Aaja nindiya raina beeti jaaye re

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Koi Jaagi Aankhein Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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