Jubin Nautiyal

Kabira Song Lyrics (Kabir Dohe) – Jubin Nautiyal

Kabira Song Lyrics (Kabir Dohe) – Jubin Nautiyal

Singer :

Jubin Nautiyal

from the Movie Latest Hindi Song, sung by Jubin Nautiyal. The song is composed by Raaj Aashoo and the lyrics are penned by Traditional Music. Discover more from Year , , songs lyrics...

Kabira Song Lyrics – Jubin Nautiyal from Latest Hindi Song sung by Jubin Nautiyal. Learn, meaning in English/Hindi

Song : Kabira
Singer: Jubin Nautiyal
Lyrics: Traditional
Music : Raaj Aashoo
Cast : Jubin Nautiyal
Label : T-Series

Kabira Song Lyrics – Jubin Nautiyal

Guru Govind Dou Khade
Kaake Lago Paaye
Guru Govind Dou Khade
Kaake Lago Paaye

Balihari Guru Aapne
Govind Diyo Bataye
Kabira Govind Diyo Bataye

Bada Hua Toh Kya Hua
Jaise Ped Khajur
Bada Hua Toh Kya Hua
Jaise Ped Khajur

Panthi Ko Chhaya Nahi
Fal Laage Ati Door Kabira
Fal Laage Ati Door

Aisi Vani Boliye
Man Ka Aapa Khoye
Aisi Vani Boliye
Man Ka Aapa Khoye

Auran Ko Sheetal Kare
Aap Hu Sheetal Hoye Kabira
Aap Hu Sheetal Ho

Jati Na Pucho Sadhu Ki
Puch Lijiyo Gyan
Jati Na Pucho Sadhu Ki
Puch Lijiyo Gyan

Mol Karo Talwar Ka
Padi Rehan Do Mayan Kabira
Padi Rehan Do Mayan

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Kabira Song Lyrics (Kabir Dohe) – Jubin Nautiyal in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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