Good Night Lyrics

Singer :

Priyani Vani

from the Movie Ferrari Ki Sawaari - 2012, sung by Priyani Vani. The song is composed by Pritam and the lyrics are penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Good Night
Good Night
Aankhen moond le
Good Night
Sleep tight
Meethi neend le..
Chanda ki baat sun zara
Sapno ke taar ban zara
Kehti hai raat sun zara
Sssh..Good Night

Good Night
Good Night
Aankhen moond le
Good Night
Sleep tight
Meethi neend le..
Chanda ki baat sun zara
Sapno ke taar ban zara
Kehti hai raat sun zara
Sssh..Good Night

Mamma ki baat man le
Karthi hai pyar jaan le
Neendon ka haath thaam le
Sssh..Good Night

Rahu main rahu na magar
Ye lori toh reh jayegi
Koi raat lambi hui
Ye mathe ko seh layegi

Tera bina juda kabhi
Jab muskurayega yunhi
Doobe toh gayega yunhi

Good Night
Good Night
Aankhen moond le
Good Night
Sleep tight
Meethi neend le..
Chanda ki baat sun zara
Sapno ke taar ban zara
Kehti hai raat sun zara

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Good Night Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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