
Dhuan Dhuan Lyrics (Lori Sunaun Main Kya)

Dhuan Dhuan Lyrics (Lori Sunaun Main Kya)

Singer :


from the Movie Bhopal: A Prayer For Rain - 2014, sung by Swanand Kirkire. The song is composed by Swanand Kirkire and the lyrics are penned by Swanand Kirkire. Discover more from Year , songs lyrics...

(Swanand Kirkire)

Dhuan dhuan dhund mein khoyi chandaniya
Lori sunaun main kya ?
Nam aankhon mein doobi sapaniya
Lori sunaun main kya ?

Lori sunaun main kya ? raat bujhaun main kya ?
Neend bulaun main kya ?

Pathreela takiye pe soti re duniya
Lori sunaun main kya ?
Saabs zäher mein piroti re duniya
Lori sunaun main kya ?

(Instrumental Break)

Maile maile badal ki chadar mein
Chand soya toh jaaga nahi
Soone soone ambar ne bhi hadd ki
Khola asha ka tara nahi

Dil ka dil se yahan, koi naata nahi
Dard hota toh hai, aasu aata nahi
Aasu aata nahi..

Dhuan dhuan dhund mein khoyi chandaniya
Lori sunaun main kya ?
Nam aankhon mein doobi sapaniya
Lori sunaun main kya ?

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Dhuan Dhuan Lyrics (Lori Sunaun Main Kya) in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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