Bandeya Lyrics

Bandeya Lyrics

Singer :

from the Movie Jazbaa - 2015, sung by Jubin Nautiyal. The song is composed by Amjad Nadeem and the lyrics are penned by Amjad Nadeem, Sanjay Gupta. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Bandeya tu muh modd ke na ja
Bandeya tu muh modd ke na ja
Bandeya dehleez laang ke na jaa
Naina bechaare ro ro ke haare
Chod gaya tu kiske sahaare

Ruk jaa re, na jaa re
Ruk jaa re, na jaa re
Bandeya tu muh modd ke na ja

Rab se.. hone lage shiqve hain
Rab se.. hone lage shiqve hain
Jab se.. tumne kaha chalte hain
Palkon se ashq ye kyun na gire
Seene ki jalan ye kaise sahein

Ruk jaa re, na jaa re
Ruk jaa re, na jaa re
Bandeya tu muh modd ke na ja

Raste khamosh kyun baithe hain
Hm.. raste khamosh kyun baithe hain
Lamhe sehme se kyun rehte hain
Kisi ka toh intezaar hai inhein
Sapne kyun be-wajah ye bune

Ruk jaa re, na jaa re
Tham jaa re, naa ja re
Bandeya tu muh modd ke na ja
Bandeya tu muh modd ke na ja

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