Rabba Lyrics

Singer :

Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

from the Movie Title Song, sung by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. The song is composed by Laddi Gill and the lyrics are penned by Happy Raikoti. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Song: Rabba
Album: Tiger
Singer: Ustad Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Music: Laddi Gill
Lyrics: Happy Raikoti
Music Label: Saga Music Pvt Ltd

Rabba Song Lyrics

Rabba mere yaar nu,
Akhan savein rehn de,(x2)

Rajjeya ni dil mera,
Hor tak lain de,
Hor tak lain de,

Rabba mere yaar nu,
Akhan savein rehn de,(x2)

Mangi na muraad khaase,
Chir ton main tere ton,

Ainiku je mann lawein,
Vaari jawan tere ton,(x2)

Dil diyan gallan ch,
Dil dhaeen pain de,(x2)

Rajjeya ni dil mera,
Hor tak lain de,
Hor tak lain de,

Rabba mere yaar nu,
Akhan savein rehn de,(x2)

(Rabba mere yaar nu..,
Akhan savein rehn de..,
Rabba mere yaar nu..),

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