Armaan Malik

Chand Chupa Badal Mein Lyrics

Chand Chupa Badal Mein Lyrics

Singer :

Armaan Malik

from the Movie Suron Ke Rang - 2016, sung by Armaan Malik. The song is composed by Amaal Mallik and the lyrics are penned by Mehboob. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Armaan Malik Begins)

Chand chupa badal mein, sharma ke meri jaana
Seene se lag ja tu, balkhaa ke meri jaana

Gumsum sa hai, gupchup sa hai
Madhosh hai, khamosh hai
Ye samaa haan ye samaa, kuch aur hai

O ho ho..
Chand chupa badal mein, sharma ke meri jaana
Seene se lag ja tu, balkhaa ke meri jaana

Aa.. aa.. aa..

Nazdeekiyaan badh jaane de,
Arrey nahi baba nahi, abhi nahi nahi nahi
Ye dooriyaan mitt jaane de,
Arrey nahi baba nahi, abhi nahi nahi nahi

Door se hi tum, jee bhar ke dekho
Tum hi kaho, kaise door se dekhun
Chaand ko jaise dekhta chakor hai

Gumsum sa hai, gupchup sa hai
Madhosh hai, khamosh hai
Ye samaa haan ye samaa, kuch aur hai

O ho ho..
Chand chupa badal mein, sharma ke meri jaana
Seene se lag ja tu, balkhaa ke meri jaana

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Chand Chupa Badal Mein Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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