Arijit Singh

Yeh Ishq Hai Lyrics

Yeh Ishq Hai Lyrics

Singer :

Arijit Singh

from the Movie Rangoon - 2017, sung by Arijit Singh. The song is composed by Vishal Bhardwaj and the lyrics are penned by Gulzar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Yeh ishq hai, yeh ishq hai
Yeh ishq hai, yeh ishq hai

Sufi ke sulfe ki
Lau uth ke kehti hai
Aatish ye bujh ke bhi
Jalti hi rehti hai

Yeh ishq hai, ye ishq hai
Yeh ishq hai, ye ishq hai

Sufi ke sulfe ki
Lau uth ke kehti hai
Aatish ye bujh ke bhi
Jalti hi rehti hai
Yeh ishq hai, yeh ishq hai

Sahil pe sar rakhke
Dariya hai soya hai
Sadiyon se behta hai
Aankhon ne boya hain

Yeh ishq hai re, ye ishq hai
Yeh ishq hai re, ye ishq hai

Tanhayi dhoondta hai
Parchaayi bunta hai
Resham si nazron ko
Aankhon se sunta hai

Yeh ishq hai, yeh ishq hai
Yeh ishq hai, yeh ishq hai

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Yeh Ishq Hai Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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