Shreya Ghoshal

Thode Badmaash Lyrics

Thode Badmaash Lyrics

Singer :

Shreya Ghoshal

from the Movie Saanwariya - 2007, sung by Shreya Ghoshal. The song is composed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali and the lyrics are penned by Sandeep Nath. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Shreya Ghoshal Begins)

Thode badmaash ho tum,
Thode nadaan ho tum

Thode badmaash ho tum,
Thode nadaan ho tum
Haan magar ye sach hai,
Hamari jaan ho tum

Thode badmaash ho tum,
Thode nadaan ho tum
Haan magar ye sach hai,
Hamari jaan ho tum

Meri saanson ki, jhankaar ho tum
Mera solah, shringaar ho tum
Meri aankhon ka, intezaar ho tum
Mera imaan, meri shaan, mera maan ho tum

Thode beimaan ho tum,
Thode shaitaan ho tum
Thode beimaan ho tum,
Thode shaitaan ho tum

Haan magar ye sach hai,
Mere bhagwan ho tum
Nadaan ho tum

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Thode Badmaash Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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