Sujeet – Gaya

Soona Kar Ke Gharwa Lyrics

Soona Kar Ke Gharwa Lyrics

Singer :

Sujeet – Gaya

from the Movie Gangs of Wasseypur - 2012, sung by Sujeet - Gaya. The song is composed by Sneha Khanwalkar and the lyrics are penned by Varun Grover. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Orrey soona kar ke gharwa.. jab se
Aaaa… re gayila.. baharwa
Ye Pardesi.. baalam
Bheja loona….
Ek gahu… khabarwa

Ye pardesi (Balam)
Bheja loona..
Ek gahu khabarwa
Ye pardesi (Balam)

Soona kar ke gharwa
Oo… ho.. (Oho)

Soona kar ke gharwa jab se
Gayia baharwa
Ye pardesi baalam
Soona kar ke gharwa jab se
Gayia baharwa
Ye pardesi baalam

Bheja loona
Ek gahu khabarwa
Ye pardesi

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Soona Kar Ke Gharwa Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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