
Shopping Karwade Lyrics – Akhil

Shopping Karwade Lyrics – Akhil

Singer :


from the Movie Latest Punjabi Song, sung by Akhil. The song is composed by and the lyrics are penned by Navi Ferozpurwala. Discover more from Year , songs lyrics...

Song : Shopping Karwade
Singer: Akhil
Lyrics: Navi Ferozpurwala
Music : BOB
Cast : Akhil, Ritu Pamnani
Label : White Hill Music

Shopping Karwade Lyrics – Akhil

Jhanjran Di Jodi Dawade
Ohde Naal Heel Pawade
Poori Main Model Laggan
Insta Te Reel Banade

Ik Mainu Diamond Wali
Ring Tu Dilwade Na
Ring Tu Dilwade Na

Shopping Karwade Ve Mahiya
Shopping Karwade Na
Date Te Lai Chal Mainu
Thoda Ghuma De Na

Shopping Karwade Ve Mahiya
Shopping Karwade Na
Date Te Lai Chal Mainu
Thoda Ghuma De Na

Burj Te Dinner Karavenga
Laare Tere Sohneya
Paris Vi Taan Jaana Si
Jhooth Hi Bole Hone Aa

Bas Kar Hunn Banda Bann Ja
Dassin Jaani Aa Mann Ja
Call’an Ignore Karein Tu
Gallan Hunn Hor Karein Tu

Chhad Ke Chal Jaana Main Vi
Breakup Karwa Laina
Breakup Karwa Laina

Shopping Karwade Ve Mahiya
Shopping Karwade Na
Date Te Lai Chal Mainu
Thoda Ghuma De Na

Suit Purane Ho Gaye
Waalian Vi Nahi Ditti Aan
Nawi Jo Gallan Kahiyan Si
Tu Pooriyan Hi Nahi Kitti Aan

Goa Hi Lai Chal Bhavein
Dass Enna Kyun Satavein
Eh Reejh Puga De Meri
Phir Kar Layi Jiddan Chahve

2 – 4 Dina Layi Kamra
Sea View Karwade Na
Sea View Karwade Na

Shopping Karwade Ve Mahiya
Shopping Karwade Na
Date Te Lai Chal Mainu
Thoda Ghuma De Na

Shopping Karwade Ve Mahiya
Shopping Karwade Na
Date Te Lai Chal Mainu Thoda

Bob Music!

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