Ankit Tiwari

Shaitaaniyan Lyrics (Raat bhar)

Shaitaaniyan Lyrics (Raat bhar)

Singer :

Ankit Tiwari

from the Movie Badmashiyaan - 2015, sung by Ankit Tiwari. The song is composed by Bobby - Imran and the lyrics are penned by Shabbir Ahmed. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Ankit Tiwari Begins)

Shabh ki baahon mein so jaaye subah
Khwaabon ko tere palkon pe doon saja

(Instrumental Break)

Shabh ki baahon mein so jaaye subah
Khwaabon ko tere palkon pe doon sajaa
Goonje saanson mein teri hi sadaa
Mein lafz tera, tu hai meri zubaan

Shaitaniyaan raat bhar, karle aa tootkar
Badmashiyaan raat bhar, karle aa tootkar

Milna tera, milna mera,
Milna tha qismat mein likha

Manzil bhi thi, miloun judaa,
Raahein mili jo tu mila

Shaitaniyaan raat bhar, karle aa tootkar
Badmashiyaan raat bhar, karle aa tootkar

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Shaitaaniyan Lyrics (Raat bhar) in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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