Shilpa Rao

Shabh Gaya Hai Lyrics

Shabh Gaya Hai Lyrics

Singer :

Shilpa Rao

from the Movie B.A. Pass - 2013, sung by Shilpa Rao. The song is composed by Alokananda Dasgupta and the lyrics are penned by . Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Ek raat thi meri
Ek baat an-kahi
Ek pyaas bujhi bujhi si

Gum-sum sadkon pe
Kuch khaas farkon pe
Zindagi hui hui si

Dab, gaya hai kahin
Shabh gaya hai door
Rab, gaya hai kahin kab


Dab gaya hai kahin
Shabh gaya hai door
Rab gaya hai kahin kab se juda hai


Ek boond bhi,paani ki…
Baadh jaisi, lagti hai
Thodi si, choo le toh…
Baat jaisi, lagti hai…

Gumshuda ye kher hai
Khamakha jo gair, ho gaya…

Ek jaan thi meri
Ek saana kam kahin
Ek pyaas bujhi bujhi si

Gum-sum sadkon pe
Kuch khaas farkon pe
Zindagi hui hui si

Dab, gaya hai kahin
Shab gaya hai door
Rab, gaya hai kahin kab

Dab, gaya hai kahin
Shab gaya hai door
Rab, gaya hai kahin kab se juda hai




Tip: You can learn the meanings of Shabh Gaya Hai Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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