Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

Saaiyaan Mere Saaiyaan Lyrics

Saaiyaan Mere Saaiyaan Lyrics

Singer :

Rahat Fateh Ali Khan

from the Movie Heroine - 2012, sung by Rahat Fateh Ali Khan. The song is composed by Salim Merchant, Sulaiman Merchant and the lyrics are penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Saaiyaan mere saaiyaan
Saaiyan mere saaiyan (mere saiyaa re)
Saaiyaan mere saaiyaan… (Repeats)

Mere saaiyan re, saaiyaan re
Saancha bole naa jhootha mahiya re
Mere saaiyaan re, saaiyan re
Jhoothi maaya ka jhootha hai jiya re ho o
Ab kis disha jaaun, kit main basera paaun
Tu jo thaame sambhal jaaun o ho
Saiyan mere saaiyan…

Mere saaiyaan re, saaiyaan re
Mere saaiyan re, saaiyaan re
Saancha bole na jhootha mahiya re

Daaman mein samete andhera laayi hai behrupiya roshni
Ho o loriyaan gaaye tto ninde jal jaati hai
Laage kalsooni chandni
Mere saaiyaan re, saaiyaan re
Ab kis disha jaaun, kit main basera paaun
Tu jo thaame sambhal jaaun o ho
Saaiyan mere saaiyan…

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Saaiyaan Mere Saaiyaan Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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