
Heartless Lyrics

Heartless Lyrics

Singer :


from the Movie Heartless, sung by Anirudh Bhola, Mohit Chauhan, Suzanne. The song is composed by Gaurav Dagaonkar and the lyrics are penned by Seema Saini. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Mohit Chauhan Begins)

Keh do..zinda hoon main, ya nahin
Keh do..sapna hai yeh, sach nahin

Keh do..zinda hoon main, ya nahin
Keh do..sapna hai yeh, sach nahin

Khud se badhkar maine tujhpe tha bharosa kiya
Zindagi thi tune bhi, tune hi dhoka diya
Pyaar mein mere rahi thi kya kamiin?

(Suzanne D Mello Begins)

(How could you be, so heartless?
How could you be, you love?
How could you be, so heartless? till you love)

Keh do, jo tum ho woh tum nahin
Keh do, baaki hai meri zindagi
Jism mera swarg sa, ruh phir kyun jal rahi
Cheekh-ta hoon main yahan, sun raha koi nahi
Dard maine mere thi teri kya khushi?

(How could you be so heartless?
(O heartless)
How could you be you love? (you love)
How could you be so heartless?
(So so heartless! till you love)

(Vocal Break)

How could be in your love!

(Instrumental Break)

How could you be so heartless
How would you kill, would you kill your love

How could you be so heartless
How would you kill, would you kill your love

How could you be so heartless
How would you kill, would you kill your love

How could you be so heartless
How would you kill, would you kill your love

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