
Boitha Maro Re Lyrics Papon

Boitha Maro Re Lyrics Papon

Singer :


from the Movie , sung by Papon. The song is composed by Papon and the lyrics are penned by Papon. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Boitha Maro Re Lyrics Papon from Movie sung by Papon. Learn, Boitha Maro Re Lyrics Papon meaning in English/Hindi

Album: Papon The Story So Far (2012)
Singers: Papon
Lyrics: Papon
Music: Papon
Music Label: Times Music
Starring: Papon

Boitha Maro Re Song Lyrics

Boitha maro boitha maro re..
Boitha maro boitha maro re..
O baichhar bhaiya re
Are jaariya boitha mariya jaaiyo
Boitha maro boitha maro re..
Chhar bhaiya re
Are jaariya boitha mariya jaaiyo

In ladke ne baichhar bhaiya re..
O in ladke ne baichhar bhaiya re..
Aauka aauka pahuchaai re
Are jaariya boitha mariya jaaiyo

Mune gaathe woh nauka re
Hey mune gaathe re woh nauka re
Nauka popon gaachhe boitha re
Are jaariya boitha mariya jaaiyo

O marti nanino re..
Joiya baith gaaiyo re.

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