Bas Tum Ho Lyrics

Singer :

Sreekant Krishnamurthy

from the Movie Desi Kattey - 2014, sung by Sreekant Krishnamurthy. The song is composed by Kailash Kher and the lyrics are penned by Kailash Kher. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Akriti Kakkar Begins)

Jud rahe hain sire, aasmaan aur zameen ke
Udh rahe rang bhi, bawli si khushi ke
Mutthiyaan hain dhoop ki, khwaishon ka aayina
Khud ba khud, ho raha zindagi se saamna

Ishq ke maane badal ke, aa gaye saaye mein dhal ke
Paras rahe hain, falak sabhi ko, mohobaatein ki nayi aadayein

Rabb rakhein milan ki parat, sab Khuda ki jo naimat, tum hi ho na
Bas tum ho, bas tum ho, tum hi ho na
Bas tum ho, bas tum ho, tum hi ho na

(Sreekant Krishnamurthy Begins)

Khusbuon ka ladkhadana, khud nashe ka behak jaana
Tumhe jo pee loon, toh sadiyaan jee loon
Jab lagi ishq ki lat, Allah ne bheja khat, tum hi ho na
Bas tum ho, bas tum ho, tum hi ho na
Bas tum ho, bas tum ho, tum hi ho na

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Bas Tum Ho Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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