
Yeh Kaisi Duvidha Hai Song Lyrics

Yeh Kaisi Duvidha Hai Song Lyrics

Singer :


from the Movie Mahabharat, sung by Chorus. The song is composed by Ajay Atul and the lyrics are penned by Ajay – Atul. Discover more from Year , songs lyrics...

Album: Mahabharat (2013)
Singers: Chorus
Music Director: Ajay Gogavale, Atul Gogavale
Genres: Philosophical
Director: Siddharth Kumar Tiwari
Starring: Shaheer Sheikhn, Pooja Sharman

Yeh Kaisi Duvidha Hai Song Lyrics

Yeh kaisi duvidha hai
Kaisi ye vipda hai
Yeh dharm hai balidaan hai
Apne hi apno ke
Sukh leke dukh dete
Adharm hai ya ye agyan hai

Yeh kaisi duvidha hai
Kaisi ye vipda hai
Yeh dharm hai balidaan hai
Apne hi apno ke
Sukh leke dukh dete
Adharm hai ya ye agyan hai

Apne yaa begaane
Bhaai ye anjaane
Vidhi ka ye kaisa vidhaan hai

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