Mohit Chauhan

Tumhari Aarzoo Lyrics 2016 Mohit Chauhan

Tumhari Aarzoo Lyrics 2016 Mohit Chauhan

Singer :

Mohit Chauhan

from the Movie Tumhari Aarzoo, sung by Mohit Chauhan. The song is composed by and the lyrics are penned by Basant Chaudhary. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Tumhari Aarzoo ke ssaye mein dard palta hai
Ye kaisa pyar hai aankhen nam hain kyun dil jalta hai
Tumhari Aarzoo ke ssaye mein dard palta hai
Ye kaisa pyar hai aankhen nam hain kyun dil jalta hai

khwahishein hain ya hai junoon
dil ko kuch bhi samajh aaye na

Tumhari Aarzoo ke ssaye mein dard palta hai

Chaha tujhe socha tujhe dil mein basaya tujhe
jazbaat ki har saakh per khusboo se likha tujhe
O bekhabar tune magar apna na samjha tujhe
Dilbar teri ye bekhudi jaan kahin meri le jaaye na
Tumhari Aarzoo ke ssaye mein dard palta hai
Ye kaisa pyar hai aankhen nam hain kyun dil jalta hai

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Tumhari Aarzoo Lyrics 2016 Mohit Chauhan in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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