
Subah Ki Garmi Lyrics – Papon

Subah Ki Garmi Lyrics – Papon

Singer :


from the Movie , sung by Papon. The song is composed by Darshan Umang and the lyrics are penned by Siddhant Kaushal. Discover more from Year , , , songs lyrics...

Subah Ki Garmi Lyrics – Papon from Movie sung by Papon. Learn, Subah Ki Garmi Lyrics – Papon meaning in English/Hindi

  • Song: Subah ki Garmi
  • Album: It happened in Calcutta
  • Singer: Papon
  • Lyrics: Siddhant Kaushal
  • Music: Darshan Umang
  • Label:  Zee Music

Subah ki Garmi Song Lyrics

Subah ki garmi raaton ki sardi
Shaam suljhaayegi..

Maajhi ki lau Khoje sira sehme hue
Vairi jo bane Koyi adhar paan kare

Dheeme se kehti fiza
Kal hoga ye naya kal se
Subah ki garmi raaton ki sardi
Shaam suljhaayegi..


Lyrics in English

सुबह की गर्मी
रातों की शर्दी
शाम सुलझायेगी
माझी की लौ खोजे
सिरा सहमे हुए
वैरि जो बने कोयी
अधर पान करे

धीमे से कहती फ़िज़ा
कल होगा ये नया कल से
सुबह की गर्मी रातों की सर्दी
शाम सुलझाएगी


Tip: You can learn the meanings of Subah Ki Garmi Lyrics – Papon in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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