
Shopping Lyrics – Jass Manak

Shopping Lyrics – Jass Manak

Singer :


from the Movie Punjabi Songs, sung by Jass Manak. The song is composed by Jass Manak and the lyrics are penned by Jass Manak. Discover more from Year , songs lyrics...

Shopping Lyrics – Jass Manak from Movie Punjabi Songs sung by Jass Manak. Learn, Shopping Lyrics – Jass Manak meaning in English/Hindi

Song: Shopping
Singer: Jass Manak
Music: MixSingh
Lyrics : Jass Manak
Label: GeetMP3

Shopping Song Lyrics

Meri Sunn Le Hun Ek Gal Sohneya
Singapore Le Chal Sohneya
Goa Ghum-Ghum Bore Main Ho Gayi
Masle Da Kar Hal Sohneya

Sunn Le Hun Ek Gal Sohneya
Singapore Le Chal Sohneya
Goa Ghum-Ghum Bore Main Ho Gayi
Masle Da Kar Hal Sohneya

Meriyan Demand’aa Nu Na Taal Sohneya
Meriyan Demand’aa Nu Na Taal Sohneya
Ve Mainu Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Haan Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Ve Tainu Roz Roz Kehndi Teri Jaan Sohneya
Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya

Je Manga Taithon Iphone Leke Tu Dena Nahi
Main Ek Vaari Hunn Kehni Aan
Mudke Main Kehna Nahi

Je Manga Taithon Iphone Leke Tu Dena Nahi
Main Ek Vaari Hunn Kehni Aan
Mudke Main Kehna Nahi

Mere Utte Karke Taras Sohneya
Lai Di Mainu Purse Sohneya
Mere Utte Kareya Kar Tu
Thoda Bahutaan Kharch Sohneya

Mera Taan Tu Karda Nahi Khayal Sohneya
Ve Mainu Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Haan Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Ve Tainu Roz Roz Kehndi Teri Jaan Sohneya
Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Naal Sohneya

MixSingh In The House!

Unj Vella Gaddi Shehar Ch Laike Ghumda Rehna Ae
Kite Mainu Pai Jave Jaana Cab Kara La Kehna Ae
Unjh Vella Gaddi Shehar Ch Laike Ghumda Rehna Ae
Kite Mainu Pai Jave Jaana Cab Kara La Kehna Ae

Kyon Tu Peena Mera Khoon Manak’aa
Chakda Ni Mera Phone Manak’aa
Wadda Baneya Phirey Star Tu
Jatti Vi Aa Moon Manak’aa

Kinni Waari Keha Karke Call Sohenya Ve
Mainu Chandigarh Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Ve Delhi Garmi Ch Hoya Bura Haal Sohneya
Haan Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya
Ve Tainu Roz Roz Kehndi Teri Jaan Sohneya
Shopping Te Leja Tere Naal Sohneya

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Shopping Lyrics – Jass Manak in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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