Soumya Rao

Dreamum wakeupum Lyrics

Dreamum wakeupum Lyrics

Singer :

Soumya Rao

from the Movie Aiyyaa - 2012, sung by Soumya Rao. The song is composed by Amit Trivedi and the lyrics are penned by Amitabh Bhattacharya. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Dreamum wakeupum critical conditionum
Earthum quakepum hil dool sab shake upum

Face to faceum dharti putram
Top to baseum kama sutram
Thighsum thunderum downum underum
Sizeum matterum thinkum wonderum
Jumpingum… pumpingum…
Throbbingum.. thumpingum..
Wune runde mune naale

Heart beatnum dhol peetnum
Love lust double kasht bada dheetnum
Body heatnum hot seatnum
Calling fire brigade bhi defeatnum
Same to sameum dil me utarum
Top to baseum kama sutram

Thighsum thunderum downum underum
Sizeum matterum thinkum wonderum
Jumpingum… pumpingum
Streelingum.. purlingum
Wune runde mune naale

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Dreamum wakeupum Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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