Dariya Ho Lyrics

Singer :

Monali Thakur

from the Movie Kamaal Dhamaal Malamaal - 2012, sung by Monali Thakur, Shadab Faridi. The song is composed by Sajid, Wajid and the lyrics are penned by Not Available. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Dariya ho, dariya ho
Dariya ho ho dariya ho… ho ho
Chhamak chhamak ke prem ki dhara har mod pe yun rasta khole
Thumak thumak ke manwa naache

Ishq ki boli, Koyal bole
ishq ruhaani hai
Ishq mehboobi hai
Barmana aata hai, isme ye khoobi hai

O teri baat se o mere sathiya jaadu sa kya chhalka
Chhalkaa haaye… ho chhalka
Ishq juda hai mera, ishq sila hai mera
Ishq wafa hai mera Ishq ishq
Ishq duaa hai meri, ishq heena hai meri
Ishq khuda hai mera ishq ishq
Ishq ki lazzat asshiq jaane aur na koi jaane
Ishq ki azmat aashiq samjhe aur na koi samjhe

O teri baat se mere sathiya jaadu sa kya chhalka
O Chhalka
Dariya ho, dariya ho
Dariya ho ho dariya ho… ho ho

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