Dard Ka Pata Lyrics

Singer :

Mohammad Irfan

from the Movie Gandhigiri - 2016, sung by Mohammad Irfan. The song is composed by Aagaman films and the lyrics are penned by Salim Ashfee. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

Dard ka pata hi na raha,
Gum hua main tujhmein iss tarah, Gum hua main tujhmein iss tarah,

Ankhein apni jab main band karun,
Ankhein apni jab main band karun,
Bas tujhe hi dekhta raha,

Dard ka pata hi na raha,
Gum hua main tujhmein iss tarah,

Hasraton ka kya jo nahi mila,
Harf ki tarah main jisse padha,
Main jisse padha,

Waqt jaane kab guzar gaya,
Darbadar main dhoondta raha,
Ankhein apni jab main band karun,
Bas tujhe hi dekhta raha,

Dard ka pata hi na raha,
Gum hua main tujhmein iss tarah

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