Danka Bajega Lyrics

Singer :

Aman Trikha

from the Movie Khel Toh Abb Shuru Hoga - 2016, sung by Aman Trikha. The song is composed by Ricky Mishra and the lyrics are penned by Abhendra Kumar Updhyay. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Aman Trikha Begins)

Apne ishaaro pe suraj ugega,
Pathreeli raahon pe chand bichega
Badal ki hum toh sawari karenge,
Taaron pe apna toh bistar lagega

Chal khushiyon ki thokar se,
Gham ko uda de
Chal khushiyon ki thokar se,
Gham ko uda de

Apna saare jahan mein danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega

Jebon mein honge khushiyon ke sikke,
Gham na bachenge ab ikke, dukke
Honslon ko apne kharch karenge,
Saari mushkilein chhootengi peeche

Jebon mein honge khushiyon ke sikke,
Gham na bachenge ab ikke, dukke
Honslon ko apne kharch karenge,
Saari mushkilein chhootengi peeche

Chal khushiyon ki thokar se,
Gham ko uda de
Chal khushiyon ki thokar se,
Gham ko uda de

Apna saare jahan mein danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega
Danka bajega, danka bajega

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