Roshni Baptist

Butt Patlo Lyrics

Butt Patlo Lyrics

Singer :

Roshni Baptist

from the Movie O Teri, sung by Jaspreet Jasz, Roshni Baptist. The song is composed by GJ Singh and the lyrics are penned by Kumaar. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Roshni Baptist Begins)

Ek tu si, ek main si
Phir love di, embassy

Ek tu si, ek main si
Phir love di, embassy

(You talking to I, chidiya kardi fly,
I’m buzzing baby, ab na ho tu shy)

(Instrumental Break)

(Jaspreet Jasz Begins)

Oh teri lakh lakh ki bangle
Tere cham chamande sandle

Teri lakh lakh ki bangle
Tere cham chamande sandle

Ni kudiye, ni kudiye, ni kudiye
Ki kariye…

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

(Instrumental Break)

Round and round
Your butt is going round

Now round and round
Your butt is going round

Round and round
Your butt is going round

Now round and round
Your butt is going round

Ae nain naagini tere
Haye pe gaye picche mere
Tu le le meri jaan
O kudiye bolun shaam savere

(Instrumental Break)

Ae nain naagini tere
Haye pe gaye picche mere
Tu le le meri jaan
O kudiye bolun shaam savere
Ab na kar nakhre soniye
Gal meri sunti jaa

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

(Instrumental Break)

Ho tere light maarte jhumke
Ho tere butt maarte thumke

Tere light maarte jhumke
Tere butt maarte thumke

Ni kudiye, ni kudiye , ni kudiye
Mar gaaye oye..!

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

You got me going crazy
With your butt patlo

(Instrumental Break)

Round and round
Your butt is going round

Now round and round
Your butt is going round

Round and round
Your butt is going round

Now round and round
Your butt is going round

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Butt Patlo Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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