All K Drama OST Lyrics – Translated Songs Lyrics


Welcome to our website, a treasure trove of K-drama song lyrics tailored for passionate fans like you! If you’re enamored with romantic tunes from your beloved K-dramas but find Korean lyrics a barrier, worry not! Our SEO-optimized paragraphs are meticulously crafted to aid your quest for the perfect song lyrics from your favorite K-drama OSTs. From the heartwarming melodies of “Stay With Me” in the beloved drama “Goblin” to the enchanting compositions of “Mr. Sunshine,” our extensive collection awaits you. Our user-friendly platform invites you to immerse yourself in the mesmerizing world of Korean drama music. Let the emotions and melodies resonate deep within your soul, transcending language barriers. Allow the lyrics of these romantic songs to serenade your heart, embarking on a delightful journey of music and emotions with us. Rediscover your most cherished K-drama OSTs like never before and relive the enchantment of your beloved shows through their captivating songs!

more popular K-drama songs that have captured the hearts of non-Korean K-drama fans:

  1. “Everytime” – Chen (EXO) and Punch (Descendants of the Sun OST): This sweet and melodic ballad perfectly complements the romance and emotions depicted in the hit drama “Descendants of the Sun.” The heartfelt vocals and touching lyrics make it a favorite among viewers worldwide.
  2. “My Destiny” – Lyn (You Who Came From the Stars OST): As one of the most iconic K-drama songs, “My Destiny” became an instant classic thanks to its powerful vocals and emotional connection to the fantasy romance drama “You Who Came From the Stars.”
  3. “Love Scenario” – iKON (Crash Landing on You OST): This catchy and upbeat song took the K-pop world by storm and gained even more popularity when it was featured in the popular drama “Crash Landing on You.” Its infectious melody and relatable lyrics make it a favorite among fans of all ages.
  4. “It’s You” – Henry Lau (While You Were Sleeping OST): With its soulful vocals and touching lyrics, “It’s You” perfectly captures the feelings of love and longing portrayed in the fantasy romance “While You Were Sleeping.”
  5. “Beautiful” – Crush (Goblin OST): Another gem from the drama “Goblin,” “Beautiful” showcases Crush’s soulful voice and emotional delivery. The song’s poetic lyrics and beautiful melody have made it a beloved track among K-drama enthusiasts worldwide.
  6. “Wind Flower” – Mamamoo (Mr. Sunshine OST): This powerful and emotive ballad from the historical drama “Mr. Sunshine” leaves a lasting impression with its captivating vocals and heartrending lyrics.
  7. “All With You” – Taeyeon (Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo OST): Taeyeon’s enchanting vocals breathe life into this touching ballad, evoking the emotions of love and loss portrayed in the historical romance “Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo.”
  8. “Fate” – Lee Sun-hee (The King: Eternal Monarch OST): This beautifully haunting track adds depth to the parallel worlds depicted in the fantasy romance “The King: Eternal Monarch,” and its nostalgic melody resonates with fans worldwide.

Explore the lyrical magic of these popular K-drama songs, even if you may not understand the Korean language. Our website is here to help you discover and appreciate the beauty of these melodies that transcend borders and touch the hearts of viewers around the globe.

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List of K Drama OST Lyrics – Translated songs lyrics

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