Shreya Ghoshal

Champayi Rang Yaar Aa Jaaye Lyrics

Champayi Rang Yaar Aa Jaaye Lyrics

Singer :

Shreya Ghoshal

from the Movie Jaanisaar - 2015, sung by Shreya Ghoshal, Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan. The song is composed by Muzaffar Ali, Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan and the lyrics are penned by Nawab Wajid Ali Shah. Discover more from Year songs lyrics...

(Shreya Ghoshal Begins)

Champayi rang yaar, aa jaaye
Champayi rang yaar, aa jaaye
Nikhatte khush gawaar aa jaaye

(Ustad Shafqat Ali Khan Begins)

Champayi rang yaar, aa jaaye

(Instrumental Break)

Woh haseen dekh le jo aayina
Aayine par gubaar aa jaaye
Aayine par gubaar aa jaaye

Champayi rang yaar, aa..

(Instrumental Break)

Champayi hm.., aa jaaye
Hm.. hm..

Tip: You can learn the meanings of Champayi Rang Yaar Aa Jaaye Lyrics in English/Hindi by hovering over the highlighted word.

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